This portrait of Kate McClymont has been selected as a finalist in this year’s Shirley Hannan National Portrait Awards in Bega, NSW every 2 years. Unlike all other portrait prizes in this country, entries must be accompanied by a photo of the subject to ensure the portrait is a good likeness.
As one of Australia’s leading Investigative Journalists, Kate McClymont continues to expose high-level corruption in politics, rugby league, trade unions, horse racing and organized crime. Some of those whose activities she has exposed include drug dealer Snapper Cornwell, the Canterbury Bankstown RLFC, politicians Eddie Obeid and Ian McDonald, Union Boss Michael Williamson, and businessman/convicted murderer Ron Medich.
Her fearlessness, in exposing the activities of various criminals and corrupt politicians despite numerous threats to her life, in my opinion, makes her one of the bravest individuals in this country.
I wanted to portray her as a Goddess of Justice with the scales and the journalist’s tools of pen, notebook and mobile phone versus cash representing corruption.
Kate has won 5 Walkley Awards for journalism and 6 Kennedys for crime reporting, and has presented the prestigious Andrew Ollie Lecture for the ABC.
I like to involve the viewers with my work and for them to have a silent conversation with the subject and, in this particular case dealing with corruption, for them, under Kate’s gaze, to question their own integrity.
This is my third portrait of Kate McClymont.